Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Pinoy Heart to Heart

Every time that the year comes to an end, a sweet nostalgic feeling often washes over me coupled with reflections on how my current year went through. Often times, I asked myself what have I accomplished so far and what dreams have I materialized. At the core of my heart, there is this small yearning to create and write my own blog, but I have been hesitant to pursue it knowing that there are millions of blogs out there- blogs that talk about travels, fashion, food, relationships, photography, and even in the field of pedagogy. Hence, I'm left with the big question of, "what am I going to write, what new insights can I share to my readers?"

2016 became a turning point in my life. I'm about to tie the knot and help my husband to purchase properties. With all the requirements needed to be fulfilled, I researched in the internet for guidelines. Much to my dismay, I can hardly find the information that answers specifically the questions that I have. This gave me the idea on what to write in my blog. Finally! I know what topics to write. 

Why Heart to Heart? Coz I am writing from the heart albeit grammar and writing technicalities, hoping that you will all receive my heart talk with an open heart.💜

Moreover, through this blog, I hope it would help Pinoys here at Surabaya or even around Indonesia through the information that I will be sharing. Happy reading from my heart to yours! Feel free to pour out your heart here at Heart to Heart.

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